picture This program is five mornings per week for children who are toilet-trained and using the restroom independently. The morning work cycle (8:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.) is a time that all areas of the Montessori curriculum are presented. The areas of the Montessori curriculum consist of practical life, sensorial, mathematics, language, and cultural studies which include geography, botany, zoology, history and Spanish. The school provides snack and large motor movement as part of the children's morning.

The Extended Day (11:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.) program is for children who are ready for an extension of the morning work cycle. This option is offered to five and six year olds. The lead classroom teacher will discuss with student's parents when the student is ready to begin extended day. The afternoon work period gives the older students an opportunity to work as a smaller community and allows the lead teacher to give longer, more involved lessons. The afternoon also includes lunch and large motor activity. Lunches are brought from home, and the school provides milk and water as beverage choices during lunch. Enrichment activities include instruction in art, music and gross motor skills. This program most closely resembles Kindergarten in other schools; however, the MSW curriculum exceeds that traditional definition.

Should your child consistently need care before or after school, you may indicate that on the Before and After School Care form. Every attempt will be made to place your child in a Full Day classroom. There are two Full-Day Montessori classrooms which are open before and after the traditional school day. This allows children who consistently need care between 7:00 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. to remain in the same Montessori environment while at school.

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